
Need to get in touch with LitLive? Complete the form below. Alternatively, email us directly at litlivereadings(at)
Please note that LitLive is a curated reading series, which means that potential readers are screened for quality and suitability. Generally, this means that authors publicizing new books and published writers are given priority, but we do make occasional space for emerging writers. We receive plenty of interest and can only accommodate four readers each month: submission of the form below does not guarantee acceptance.
Also note that presenters and attendees are required to abide by our Safe Spaces Policy: LitLive strives to be a safe and welcoming space for people of all gender identities, abilities, ages, cultures, and sexualities. With that in mind, discriminatory language or behavior of any kind, in person or online, has no place at our events and we ask all of you to help us uphold those values.
We look forward to hearing from you!